Fashion Designer Rosalyn Middleton’s Easter Celebration Party Rocked, Many Bollywood Stars Attended

Mumbai : Famous fashion designer of cinema and fashion world, Rosalyn Middleton’s Easter celebration party rocked, many Bollywood stars attended and enjoyed the event. Rosalyn Middleton is among those celebrities in Bollywood who are known behind the screen and stage.
Rosalyn is very busy these days with her upcoming shows. When asked about the program, she says that its information will be given to you soon and about Easter, she tells that its significance is the victory of Jesus Christ over death. His resurrection means eternal life which is given to all those who believe in him. The purpose of Easter is also the complete confirmation of everything taught and preached by Jesus during his three-year ministry.
If he had not risen from the dead or had simply died and not been resurrected, he would have been considered just another teacher or prophet. However, his resurrection rebuked them all and provided the final and undeniable proof that he was the Son of God and had conquered death once and for all.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the core of the Christian gospel. I pray that all your wishes come true. Many celebrities from the film industry including Hina, Rajkumar Kanojia, Naseeruddin Shah, Sushilajit Sahni Page One and 70MM Entertainment (CEO), Guru and others attended the event and congratulated him.
Fashion designer Rosalyn Middleton’s Easter celebration party rocked, many Bollywood stars attended
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