Dr Cheetah Yajnesh Shetty Brand Ambassador Bee9 Honey and Managing Director Prasad Shetty, Opening Gate for hundreds of Farmers.

Bee9’s Managing Director, Mr. Prasad Shetty, and Bee9’s Brand Ambassador, Dr. Chitah Yajnesh Shetty initiative the Farmer Beekeeping Academy and Training Center in Mysore. Bee9 is educating hundreds of farmers to cultivate Honey and providing them with Bee9 unit boxes, creating employment opportunities and purchasing Honey at fair prices to improve the Farmers’ livelihoods. The Academy, located at the Hebbal Industrial Estate in Mysore, was inaugurated by His Highness Shri Yaduveer Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wadiyar and Santosh Lad from the Ministry of Labour, Karnataka Government.
During the event, a traditional dance, Bettakuruba, was performed by a group of farmers. Chitah Yajnesh Shetty, as the Brand Ambassador, expressed gratitude for the farmers’ programme, International entrepreneurs such as Cosmo Zimik from Nampa, Idaho, USA; Sam Pavel from Cairo, Egypt; Phil Ross from New Jersey; Ed Cage from Los Angeles; and ,Willam Bond from Hong Kong were appreciated the work , Messages of congratulations were also extended by Jilani Mohammad Abdul Khader , Saudi Arabia and Dubai, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov from Russia, Stephan Chofoskevy from Russia, Mom Luyang Rajadararsri jayankura from Thailand, and Tk Garbo from Hong Kong to Chita Yajnesh Shetty, the Brand Ambassador, and Managing Director Prasad Shetty.
Dr. Cheetah Yajnesh Shetty, Bollywood’s well-known Martial Arts Guru and Best Film Action Choreographer of the Decade, has also been honored with the degree of ‘Doctorate of Philanthropy (PhD) in Martial Arts Pure Science’ by the ‘Global Martial Arts University Grant Commission’.
Dr. Cheetah Yajnesh Shetty has till now given martial arts training to more than 150 Bollywood stars and about 10 lakh Women.
Dr Cheetah Yajnesh Shetty Brand Ambassador Bee9 Honey and Managing Director Prasad Shetty, Opening Gate for hundreds of Farmers.
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